Joseph Le Page: Founder and Director of Integrative Yoga Therapy
Joseph Le Page: Founder and Director of Integrative Yoga Therapy Joseph Le Page is the founder and director of Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT) and a pioneer in yoga therapy training programs. IYT, a leader in the yoga therapy field since 1993, is the result of Joseph’s life experiences, his training as a Kripalu yoga […]
Eleanor Criswell Hanna
Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Ed.D.: Founder of Somatic Yoga, Emeritus Professor at Sonoma State University and Past President of the International Association of Yoga Therapists From 1969 to 2009 Dr. Criswell was a professor of psychology at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, California, where in cooperation with Joseph Le Page of Integrative Yoga Therapy […]
Alan Questel: International Trainer of the Feldenkrais Method®
Alan Questel completed his Feldenkrais® Training with Dr. Feldenkrais in 1983 and began his practice in New York City. Ever since he has pursued teaching the Feldenkrais Method® full-time. Alan directs and co-directs educational “Guild Accredited Training Programs” all over the world. He is known for his work in popularizing the Feldenkrais Method®. Alan was an Assistant Professor […]
Russell Delman: Feldenkrais® Trainer and Zen Meditation Teacher
In 1984, Russell became one of the first people in the world authorized to lead “Feldenkrais® Professional Training Programs.” And since, he has taught more than 40 programs internationally and directed 10. I studied the Feldenkrais Method® and The Embodie LifeTM with Russell from 2000 to 2006. Beyond being trained by him as a Feldenkrais […]
Yoga in the Tradition of Krishnamacharya and Desikachar, a.k.a. Viniyoga
The Viniyoga Tradition started in India with Krishnamacharya. I had the honor to have studied with Desikachar, — author of the book The Heart of Yoga — and the Mohans —authors of the book Yoga Therapy. However, the Viniyoga trainer who impacted my life the most is Gary Kraftsow. At the end of the seventies, […]
Dr. Rick and Dr. Karin Dina: Founders of Raw Food
Two of the main raw food researchers are my friends Dr. Rick and Dr. Karin Dina. They developed and teach the course titled The Science of Raw Food Nutrition at Living Light Culinary Institute in northern California. Furthermore, they authored the book The Raw Food Nutrition Handbook: An Essential Guide to Understanding Raw Food Diets, […]